Friday, October 23, 2009

25 RANDOM Things About Me

I am trying to be as creative as possible, but with 25 might not be possible.

1. I would give up most anything to be able to have just one more day with my Dad so I could tell him that I love him.

2. When my Dad died it made me lose faith, and even more so when we had his services in Eldora. My faith has come back.

3. I hate it when my babies are sick, but deep down I LOVE the extra snuggle time.

4. I love my boys to death, but there are days I feel like I am going to lose my mind, so when Jeremy gets home, I will go to the store even if I don't need anything.

5. I can't keep a jade tree alive. I had one for years and re-potted it...maybe it is the pot.

6. When we finally get to buy a house, I don't plan on having a single white wall...I am so tired of white walls.

7. I don't mind cleaning, but I hate to dust...and this house the dust comes fast.

8. Again, I don't mind cleaning but at times wished Jeremy would help more like he did when I was working.

9. There are people that don't agree with my parenting method (especially when it comes to discipline) but it seems to work so I won't change for you.

10. I really want my Grandma's jewelery tree. It isn't my style, but when I was young my Grandma made me feel so special because of that tree.

11. I call my decorating style "modern country".

12. I wish dieting came easier to me.

13. I'm glad to be close to my Mom and Jeremy's parents...but I am ready to move. Dyersville isn't the town for me or us.

14. Fall is my FAVORIATE time of year. I love the colors, I love to decorate for it, I love the weather.

15. I have baby fever, but I know now is not the time.

16. I wish that I was able to see my friends more often. My besties have gotten me through some rough know who you all are. I love you and I am so glad to have you in my life.

17. Going to Holland for a year is in my top 5. And according to Mom I have Aunt Carol to thank for that.

18. And going to Holland, I didn't want to miss my senior year, but it was very difficult to come home and finish my senior year.

19. I think my boys have way to many toys, but I won't stop buying more for them.

20. I'm already using Santa to make Drew behave some days.

21. I wish my husband took after his Dad and was a little more handy.

22. Thinks if Jeremy hadn't been apart of my life when Dad died I wouldn't have made it through it.

23. I drink way too much coffee during the day, which is probably why I can't sleep at night...maybe I should switch to decaf.

24. With Grandma passing I feel she was my last connection to my Dad is some weird way.

25. Truly thinks naming Drew after Dad fits him perfectly.

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