Anyways, on with the party. Sunday we had family and friends over to celebrate the big day with. Drew's one request was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cake, which I wasn't sure I would find, but lucky me, Hy-Vee had them. And, to make things even better we had good weather, which, I am pretty sure was the first weekend since before Christmas.
Our Friends Mark and Lisa came over around 11:00 so Mark and Jeremy could sneak off and play a round of frisbee golf before everyone else showed up. Later came
Next was present time, he received a remote control car and remote control helicopter, a little skate park with a little skate board that folds up into a van, a scooter with helmet and knee and elbow pads, a big wheels, an army tank, and lots of color books, and some games.
After presents was cake and ice cream. Drew was happy to see that the turtles come off and have magnets on the back of them. I made homemade ice cream, thanks to the Pingel's (great Christmas present).
Afterwards some left and the rest of us sat around and watched the kids play.
It makes me cry a little just thinking of the fact that he starts pre-school in the fall.
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