Oh where has this month gone?
We've had a busy month. Drew spent the night with Papa and Grandma Sadie (or Pingel) and February 27th. It would have been a good opportunity for me to get things done around the house, but I was rather lazy. Papa and Grandma brought him home the next day.
The following weekend Drew spend Saturday night with Aunt Lissa (Melissa). I took that opportunity to shred some paper work that I had been putting off and go through somethings that were pushed aside when we moved. On Sunday we left to meet Melissa and the kids in Waterloo but it was snowing, so we both decided to turn around and I would go to Eldora on Monday to pick him up. Monday morning he go to go to Ally and Izzy's daycare provider Vicki (which some of you know Vicki Speck from Tekamah, her husband Leon and Dad worked together). After I picked Drew up at Vicki's we stopped by Grandpa and Grandma Kolthoff's for a few hours.
On the way home from Eldora, we pulled over in Evansdale (outside of Waterloo) to get gas and Drew wanted to go to the chicken nugget store (Mc Donalds). Shortly after we got off the exit the transmission decided to go out...who new that would happen in a newer car with less than 70,000 miles, but it does. Drew thought it was cool that he got to ride in the big tow truck, Jeremy and I didn't think it was so cool that he had to leave work to come get us, be without two cars for a week and half, and pay all that money, but what could we do?
That following weekend was the big St. Patrick's Day celebration in Dyersville, so the boys went to stay with Papa and Grandma Buddy (or Grandma and Papa Strang). First we walked up to the parade in town, where we were met by Erika and Aubry (Aubry is the baby I will start watching on April Fools day) and my friend Lisa from North Liberty.

After the parade was over we walked home and Melissa was waiting for us. Shortly after we got home Mom showed up to pick up the boys (which was the first time Tyson was away from Jeremy or I). Through out that day more and more of our families and friends showed up at our house, Melissa (my sister), Nick (Jeremy's brother), Mark, Lisa, and Ben (from North Liberty) and Todd and his brother (Jeremy works with Todd here). We walked up town and joined in on the celebration.
On the 17th Jeremy and I went and picked up my car...finally, that was the longest week of my life, and we also brought home something else. I met Melissa in Evansdale and brought Izzy home with us. She was on Spring Break, so she stayed with us until Thursday. Drew loved having someone here to play with, although I am sure he got on her nerves at times. Thursday the boys and I took Izzy back to Eldora.
That evening, I was able to see an old friend of mine that I haven't seen since before I left for Europe, she moved to TX. I wish it would have been under better circumstances, her father passed away, but it was great to see her.
This last week has been a slow week.
On April 1st Tyson has his 6 month check up, and it will also be Aubry's first day with us. They came to fist last night, and she is a good baby....I am sure there won't be any problems.
As for updates on the boys, Drew is still a busy as ever, he keeps me going. He is finally going to the bathroom with out our help. Tyson has 7 teeth, just waiting for that last top front one to come in and then I hope he is done for awhile so he will get back on his sleeping schedule. He is so close to crawling, he just needs to figure out that he has to move both his legs and his arms at the same time.
Wanted to wish late Birthday wishes to Korby, Aunt Kathy, Bill, Miss Eva, Sherri, and a late Anniversary wish to Karl and Kathy. Also Happy Birthday to Ally Rae.