Today was a very sad day here. Jeremy and I had to make the decision to put Heavy, our cat, to sleep.
As some of you may already know, Heavy has been in Jeremy's life longer than I have. Jeremy can't for the life of him remember what year he was born, but we think May of 1998. Heavy, was a fat, lazy, happy cat, and they boys adored him. I never pictured myself a cat lover till I met Heavy, but he was my family.
The last couple of weeks he would start gagging, and these last couple of days the gagging was followed by a hard time breathing. This morning I took him to the kitty doctor and after some X-Rays they found a mass on his lungs. From what the vet could tell he was getting about 25% of air capacity from one lung and about 30% from another, and there was nothing they could do to help him. I called Jeremy and we both felt it would be selfish on our end to keep him here with us, especially as uncomfortable as he was.
In the end, I think we made the right choice, but a very hard decision to make. He was a great kitty and we will all miss him very much.