Today was a very sad day here. Jeremy and I had to make the decision to put Heavy, our cat, to sleep.
As some of you may already know, Heavy has been in Jeremy's life longer than I have. Jeremy can't for the life of him remember what year he was born, but we think May of 1998. Heavy, was a fat, lazy, happy cat, and they boys adored him. I never pictured myself a cat lover till I met Heavy, but he was my family.
The last couple of weeks he would start gagging, and these last couple of days the gagging was followed by a hard time breathing. This morning I took him to the kitty doctor and after some X-Rays they found a mass on his lungs. From what the vet could tell he was getting about 25% of air capacity from one lung and about 30% from another, and there was nothing they could do to help him. I called Jeremy and we both felt it would be selfish on our end to keep him here with us, especially as uncomfortable as he was.
In the end, I think we made the right choice, but a very hard decision to make. He was a great kitty and we will all miss him very much.

:( so sorry, meg. here's a hug. loosing a pet is very, very hard. know that he's in kitty heaven laying around doing nothing....i suspect he'd like that. sorry :(
thinking of you!!!
I can remember when you started dating Jeremy and had the chance to fall in love with Heavy when you didn't think you'd like him! After all these years, Heavy was like your first "child" almost and it must feel like losing a child to have to put him down. I can't imagine, although we all know that Heavy isn't suffering any longer:)
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