Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Drew

Well, we did it. We made it 4 years with this bundle of joy, that is 110% all boy, that can't sit still for more than 30 seconds, that loves to play with his "guys", that loves to do anything that is daddy does, and has a sweet spot for his baby brother.

This year we got to celebrate his birthday party on his birthday! We had a house full of people: Grandma and Papa Buddy (my parents), Grandma and Papa Sadie (J's parents), Aunt Lissa, cousins Izzy and Ally, Lisa and Mark (our friends from North Liberty), Isaiah and Bird (our old neighbor and his soon to be step-sister), and Todd and Holly (some friends from here). The theme this year was Power Rangers and you can see in some of the pictures he had most of them set up before the party guest arrived, but took them down shortly after he put them up.

At his 4 year check up the doctor said he was healthy (which this Mama always likes to hear), he is 3' 6" or 44" tall and that sent him off the charts and he is 42 pounds which puts him in the 90%.

Enjoy a few pictures from his party!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so nice to be able to enjoy the photos from NY! Looks like lots of fun with Power Rangers. I can't believe he's already 4...time goes way too quickly.