This Christmas was wonderful, a full of life two year old, a new baby, and a new town. It started at our house on Saturday night, the 20th (Santa came early to our house). Drew and I made Santa cookies, then placed the cookies and chocolate milk next to the tree, and then Drew went straight to bed (that was the easiest time I've had getting him to bed). I waited until 11:30 to put the presents under the tree and couldn't wait for him to wake us up (I think I was almost as excited as Drew).

On Sunday morning I believe Drew woke up between 5:30 and 6:00, but Jeremy made him wait until 7:00. Once Drew walked into the living room his eyes lit up...and so did ours. Drew got everything he asked for, except his skateboard...he is still too little for one. He got Light Savers, race tracks for his cars, an Iron Man mask, Ninja Turtles, Ninja Turtles, and more Ninja. Tyson on the other hand made out with clothes.

Christmas Eve we headed to Grandma and Papa Pingel's house where we were greeted by Grandma, Papa, Uncle Josh, Aunt Jill, and Uncle Nick. That evening we all played some guitar hero, Bob and Jill cooked a wonderful and extravagant meal, and we all sat down and watched Christmas Vacation, and then Uncle Jared and Aunt Amy arrived and off to bed we went.
The following morning we all woke up and opened gifts, Drew played Santa with the help from Uncle Jared. We opened present after present and present while enjoying some homemade cinnamon rolls courtesy of Jill.

After gift time was over later that afternoon, we ate some lunch, some of took some naps, while some of us played new video games. That evening the video games continued and I almost managed to beat Josh in chess...I am sure he was going easy though.
Friday we enjoyed pictures of Josh and Jill's trip to Pure and off we headed to Dyersville. Drew and I dropped off Tyson and Jeremy and headed to Eldora. That evening Drew stayed and played with Izzy and Ally and I went out with some high school friends.
Saturday morning Drew, Izzy, and I headed back to Dyersville. Jeremy had to be at work at 12:00 and work until 10:00. Izzy, Drew, and I played some games followed by WII sports, which I had to pry the joystick from Izzy's hands at bedtime. That night Izzy and Drew had a little slumber party in Drew's room (which was another easy night of getting Drew to sleep).

On Sunday the five of us headed to Grandma and Papa Buddy's house (that is what Drew calls Mom and Bill). We had some of Bill's famous chili and them opened gifts where the boys were once again spoiled. After gift opening the kids enjoyed their toys, Jeremy and Bill watched football, and Mom, Melissa, and I sat around doing what girls do best...talking.
On the 4th we will head to Janseville for Christmas with the Engel's (Jeremy's Mom's family). One the 10th we will head to Tekamah to see my Grandma. And then comes Drew's 3rd birthday...it is hard to imagine that he will be 3...scary.
We hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year